Lamborghini Urus SUV unveiled

Lamborghini Urus SUV unveiled

The idea of Lamborghini, known for extreme performance cars, making an SUV may seem off the wall. But don’t be too shocked. This actually isn’t Lamborghini’s first SUV. The LM002, a much chunkier vehicle that looked as if it had been built out of shoeboxes, was available from 1985 to 1992. Only about 300 of those were ever built.

Lamborghini decided it’s time to try again. For now, the new, sleeker-looking Urus SUV is just a concept vehicle. But it’s clear that Lamborghini fully intends to produce this vehicle or something very much like it. In fact, it could produce as many as 3,000 per year, which would make it the largest-selling Lamborghini model by far.

The Urus, just unveiled at the Beijing Auto Show, is a 600 horsepower “crossover” with huge 24-inch wheels and a 600 horsepower engine. Like most of Lamborghini’s cars, the Urus has full-time all-wheel-drive with a focus on on-road performance.
 Lamborghini Urus SUV unveiled 

 Lamborghini Urus SUV unveiled 

 Lamborghini Urus SUV unveiled 

 Lamborghini Urus SUV unveiled 

 Lamborghini Urus SUV unveiled 

 Lamborghini Urus SUV unveiled 

 Lamborghini Urus SUV unveiled 

Lamborghini Urus SUV unveiled 

Lamborghini a prezentat, la Salonul Auto de la Beijing, primul concept SUV dezvoltat de companie in ultimii 20 de ani, denumit Urus, constructorul italian controlat de Volkswagen incercand sa-si extinda gama de modele pentru a profita de cresterea de pe pietele emergente, noteaza Bloomberg.

Compania estimeaza ca, odata ajuns pe piata, modelul s-ar putea vinde in 3.000 de unitati pe an.

Directorul general al Lamborghini, Stephan Winkelmann, a declarat ca decizia finala de productie a modeului nu a fost inca luata. "Daca vei intra pe un nou segment, trebuie sa ramai fidel valorilor fundamentale. Valorile noastre fundamentale sunt: fara compromisuri, extrem si italian", a spus acesta.

Lamborghini se alatura astfel altor producatori de automobile supercar, precum Bentley si Maserati, care s-au extins recent pe segmentul SUV, inspirati de succesul reusit de Porsche cu modelul Cayenne, lansat in 2002 si devenit principalul motor de crestere al companiei. In prezent, Cayenne genereaza jumatate din vanzarile Porsche, constructorul legendarei familii de masini sport 911.

Cererea pentru SUV-uri de lux pe piata chineza va creste cu 49% pana in 2015, la 265.200 automobile pe an, in timp ce la nivel global cererea va avansa cu numai 18%, potrivit IHS Automotive.

Bentley a prezentat in martie la Salonul Auto de la Geneva popriul concept SUV. In primul trimestru, China a devenit cea mai mare piata pentru constructorul britanic, depasind in premiera Statele Unite.

Maserati, divizie a Fiat, va incepe din 2013 productia unui SUV bazat pe modelele Jeep ale Chrysler, partenerul american al grupului italian. SUV-ul Maserati este denumit in prezent Kubang.

 Anul trecut, Ferrari a lansat anul trecut modelul FF, cel mai voluminos automobil dezvoltat de companie si totodata primul autoturism de serie cu tractiune integrala.   via:

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