Using Images as Links How Spiders Read Your Page

The first attribute is the title, but replace the word works with old title as well. This is important for the indexing of your images by search engines. Spiders can not "see" the image when they crawl your site. The 'title' or 'alt' attribute is your opportunity to tell the spiders what is going on in the picture as you want it to index them in that picture, your post and your site properly.

This is an extremely important attribute for SEO. If you are selling on your blog, you might want to add a picture of a product, say a book. To be eligible for the image, and your website, on researching this book you need to get the 'title' attribute specific will. If you go it lost title book your image among the millions of images as a book on the Internet.

I have the spiders exactly what this is and how I want it, tell by the title of the book and the author's name is indicated in the title attribute.

Now you roll the cursor over the image. This is an additional advantage to old and title attributes. The title appears when you scroll over the image. I can then link either text or the image itself in the URL of my review of the book.

The second attribute is target = blank. Because I see my image to another website I have linked in fact, sends readers away from me when they click on the link. To allow them to stay on my side, and still have the page I linked you have the aim added empty attribute. This code is added to a picture of the link in a new window makes keeping your readers to open your site.

The title, old and target = blank links and text attributes can be added, in the same area that it in an image. They have the same effect of opening links in a new window, help spiders index the subject of your post, and the creation of a scroll-over title. ** The scroll on attribute not working in Firefox. Only in IE

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