The Astrological Sun Sign Aquarius The Water Carrier Of The Western Zodiac

Using the tropical zodiac system people born between January 20th and February 19th are known by their Sun Sign Aquarius the Water Carrier and are associated with the constellation Aquarius . The Element of the Aquarius sign is Air and the color of Aquarius is Turquoise . The star-stone of Aquarius is Turquoise and the astrological symbol for Aquarius represents waves of water. The Sun Sign opposite of Aquarius the Water Carrier is Leo the Lion and the metals of the Aquarius sign are brass and platinum. Aquarius is ruled by the Planet Saturn and is defined as a masculine-positive extroverted sign. Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac and the quality of Aquarians is fixed. The traits and characteristics most commonly attributed to Aquarians are loyal friendship and honesty and they are also known for their inventive and intellectual abilities . Generally speaking the people of the Aquarius sun sign are often easygoing and humanitarian with a playful free spirited outl...